Sunday, January 31, 2010

Locke in the News

This article I found in the Chicago Tribune discusses the struggling battle that Americans have with their weight. Though obesity is not always a comfortable topic to talk about, I believe we would be doing a greater disservice by avoiding the issue entirely. This article focuses on the importance of making all aspects of your life conducive to a healthy environment. Therefore, when you are at work, your employers should be taking positive steps to encourage a healthier way of living and perhaps even punish those who choose to continue eat poorly. Though I am not sure I agree with the punishment aspect of this article for those who do not lose weight, I believe taking positive actions towards make definitive life changes would not only benefit obese people, but everyone involved. It forces individuals to take a look into every aspect of their life and figure out how they themselves can be healthier as well as motivate those around them to do the same.

Locke’s views on property are applicable here in the sense of his ideas on limitations. No person should exceed their rightful and natural limits and if they do so they are stealing from others within the community. There are many people that do not get the necessary food that they need and many Americans abuse the access that we have to it. Thus, I think that Locke would promote this movement which hopes to help people live a healthier life style that does not involve excessive eating and working towards the common good. Though such a controversial idea may take a little while to input, I think it is definitely one that deserves attention of all of us.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Aristotle in the News

Each morning when we check the news whether it be on our computers, our televisions, or even our newspapers we find these pages and screens riddled with money woes, unhappy employees, and blood-thirsty businesses, and today was no different. As I browsed the news I found something a little closer to my heart though in The Chicago Tribune. This article discusses the potential takeover and hostile bids that Kraft has put towards the British owned candy company, Cadbury. Though finding this particular author as appealing as Swine Flu, I couldn’t help but return to the actual subject matter of his article. Basically, Kraft wants to buy out Cadbury and they are not interested even after an offer of $17 billion as well as some “cash in hand” (Chu, Chicago Tribune).

Being a Brit myself, I believe it would be a shame to lose another company to the Americans, especially with one that has such a resonating history with the British public. However, this is loss is bound to happen anyways, but with another company who Cadbury’s have already been working with, Hershey. Though unfortunate, desperate times call for desperate measures and it appears that we ‘bad-teethed’ Brits may need a way out.

On a more serious note, Aristotle remained in the back of my brain while reading this article. Our world today has become one that is dependant and thrives on what people can call their own, whether it is a car, a house, or a business. I personally don’t believe that Aristotle had is quite right, but we live in very different times today so I think my disagreement is more easily founded. I think private property in today’s society is important and necessary to keep our businesses, as well as our private lives, functioning at an optimal level because there is less confusion to who can be held accountable. However, I do not think ownership gives us a right to be inhumane to people, but it definitely makes it easier. I believe if you work hard to own something, like a business, it is up to you and the people involved to decide how the money you have earned is spent and who receives it. I think the idea of sharing all the things you have after your needs are met is a nice idea, but not very practical. Though the Cadbury-Kraft argument is more just about the focus on owning property I think it’s necessary to realize that it is just a part of today’s dog-eat-dog world. My final thoughts are if Cadbury don’t want to sell their company to Kraft, I say too bloody right!

Mark to Market Debate Channel

I found the youtube channel for Mark to Market Debate in case anyone wanted some information about it.