Sunday, January 31, 2010

Locke in the News

This article I found in the Chicago Tribune discusses the struggling battle that Americans have with their weight. Though obesity is not always a comfortable topic to talk about, I believe we would be doing a greater disservice by avoiding the issue entirely. This article focuses on the importance of making all aspects of your life conducive to a healthy environment. Therefore, when you are at work, your employers should be taking positive steps to encourage a healthier way of living and perhaps even punish those who choose to continue eat poorly. Though I am not sure I agree with the punishment aspect of this article for those who do not lose weight, I believe taking positive actions towards make definitive life changes would not only benefit obese people, but everyone involved. It forces individuals to take a look into every aspect of their life and figure out how they themselves can be healthier as well as motivate those around them to do the same.

Locke’s views on property are applicable here in the sense of his ideas on limitations. No person should exceed their rightful and natural limits and if they do so they are stealing from others within the community. There are many people that do not get the necessary food that they need and many Americans abuse the access that we have to it. Thus, I think that Locke would promote this movement which hopes to help people live a healthier life style that does not involve excessive eating and working towards the common good. Though such a controversial idea may take a little while to input, I think it is definitely one that deserves attention of all of us.


  1. Losing weight should be everybody concern especially in the United States. I do believe employers will be operating on a slippy slope if they do not approach this subject correctly in the workplace. Discrimination and harassment will be the first thing comes out their mouths if the company fails to tread lighty. I'm not even sure Locke could talk his way out of this argument but it will be interesting to see the employers try.

  2. I have to say this is a very interesting point to argue and something that i would have never thought could relate to what Locke says about the rights to property. I agree on the note that perhaps these people are excessively consuming food, causing others to have less. But on the other hand, Locke does say that money can be used to acquire anything and any amount of something since money represents one's own labor; therefoer, would he not be in favor of obese people buying and consuming as much food as they may need and want? I mention this because, in my opinion, Locke does not necessarily make an argument about how much one can acquire, so long as you are laboring to get it. The only limit that he seems to mention is that you can acquire anything as long as you are using it and it is not going to waste. Well are these people not consuming everything before it spoils? So are they really not entitled to have as much food as they can acquire and consume? I definitely agree with the idea that America needs to pick up healthier habits of eating, simply because obesity has become a major issue, but i do not know if Locke would necessarily view it in this way. But overall, great post!

  3. I agree that these people are not being wasteful, but Locke also believes in benevolence towards others. Therefore, I think he would find it problematic if one person were suffering while another was indulging.

  4. I completely agree with the fact that many Americans today abuse the fact that they have access to so much food while doing nothing to help others who have no food. They say the U.S. is the fattest country in the world making people think there is no food shortages here. However, there are still people here who have shortages of food. I remember in grammar school and even high school kids would throw out half their lunches just because they didn't want it. It was good food, but it could of been given to someone who needed it. The fact that some of the food here is so cheap and there is so much of it here that people don't appreciate it. Locke would hate the fact that one person is taking so much while leaving the other one with nothing knowing that the person who took the food would let half of it spoil.

  5. Locke's ethos of industriousness applies to this story surprisingly well, I believe. Locke believes that one should always strive to make their property work as efficiently as possible. As we know, our bodies are our property. By eating bad food, our bodies are not running as efficiently as possible. Eating a natural diet would be an ideal solution to Locke because our bodies would operate more efficiently; in turn, making us healthier and happier.

    I agree with you on the not punishing people in the workplace that eat poorly because they are already punishing themselves. Though they may not realize it yet, they will at some point. On the other hand, I could see the relevance of the idea because business owners want a group of the most efficient people under them. The most efficient people will bring in the most money for those owners.

    The body is property to maintain and ensure efficiency of; that's why I believe this story applies well to Locke's ideals.

  6. While Locke's ethos does apply to this argument partially, I must disagree that obese people are exceeding their natural limits. I say this because not all obese people are overweight due to eating, there are health issue's that cause them to become overweight, even while on a healthy diet. I also don't believe that people strive to be obese, they could have a health condition that causes them to eat in stressful situations and not burn calories as rapidly as others. I can't help but wonder if Locke's ethos has a limit to what it applies to?

  7. this is very interesting. yes obesity is a growing problem in the united states but can that realy be considered stealling? i mean if people are eating because they are hungry then they are using the food that they have worked to get and so they are not wasting it. granted there is so much that people through out and that is worse then eating it becasue there are so many less fortunate unable to get food. i dont think other people have the right to decide whether someone is too fat. for health reasons people should consider eating healthier and working out to make sure they have longer, happier, and healthier lifes. as far as this applying to locke i think it can with twist but it is hard just by looking at this connect the two.
